Thursday, February 15, 2007

Matt: What is going on?

The people speak and I hear them. "Matt, what happened to the reviews you once posted daily? Those very reviews we came to know and were afraid to love because; well, honestly we didn't understand half of what you were saying and some of your reviews were a tad childish, we did like those numbers at the bottom though. Those were nice." The people speak and I answer. "People, the reviews are time consuming and I have been working on some very top secret work. But it seems as if the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. Yes, it's true I'm working on some serious site modifications. I know, I know, "Matt the site looks fine, we don't really need you to make it look all cool and stuff. We don't care, we just want reviews and numbers!" You will get your reviews and numbers as well as a new site next week. Until then I will try to appease you with posts of things I think are cool and stuff; mp3s and videos and stuff. So, if you don't care about all this cool and stuff check back on Monday for the old school format you know and are afraid to love. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the mp3s and videos and stuff posted here for your enjoyment! Also, if you have any suggestions or anything like that, go ahead and let me know in the comments section! It will be neat!"

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