New Site
Well, the new site is up. It's mostly complete. It's Update your bookmarks and your sitefeeds. This will stay up but will no longer be updated, you need to check the dotcom!
Well, the new site is up. It's mostly complete. It's Update your bookmarks and your sitefeeds. This will stay up but will no longer be updated, you need to check the dotcom!
Posted by mattinwonderland at 4:01:00 PM 1 blue ones
This post is misc. I hope you enjoy.
First: A Ween tune: Flutes of Chi off White Pepper.. more serious than the Ween I'm accustomed to but still wildly enjoyable. mp2.. ha! i jest.. its mp3
Two: Another Marnie Stern, I've heard the entire album wholeness now and I do say it rocks. My B+.5 was, not surprisingly, a quite accurate grade. Also, you may note that In Advance of the Broken Arm was reviewed on Pitchfork today, it got a 7.7 and is Recommended! Absorb Those Numbers mp3
Thirdly: Greatest song ever? Firecracker Firecracker by Half Japanese. mp3
Also, I apologize for not posting yesterday. I know it just breaks your heart.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:53:00 AM 0 blue ones
Marnie Stern, according to Stylus, is a "shredder," and aw shit I totally agree. Her new album, In Advance of the Broken Arm, was released. . . yesterday! Holy relevance, Batman! At any rate, this music is a jumbled mess; a beautifully jumbled mess. Ms. Stern cites: Deerhoof, Animal Collective, Hella, and Yoko Ono, among others, as influences; if you cannot hear at least one of these influences, then you have no indie cred whatsoever, and there is no excuse for that. I recommend a healthy dose of Beefheart, see my "review" of His Magic Band in the archives.
Also, she has a distinctive voice! Check it out. I haven't heard the entire album wholeness yet, gasp. And I therefore do not feel comfortable giving this album a number; such a precise measurement should be left for when I have heard the entire album wholeness. Why Matt, do you not just wait until you have heard the entire album wholeness? Because, my dear readers, I don't wanna. You're in luck though, because I do feel comfortable giving this album a B+.5, that's a B+ and a half, not quite A-. Of course, this rating is in no way official; it is subject to change, it is pretty accurate of my feelings. For real I say dig this stuff fast and bulbous. Out.
uh mp3 for you're listen: Put All Your Eggs in One Basket and Then Watch That Basket!!! mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:02:00 AM 1 blue ones
Tom Waits and Iggy Pop : Coffee and Cigarettes : Check it out
Posted by mattinwonderland at 5:37:00 PM 0 blue ones
Here’s the story. I’ve been doing some thinking. I’ve been walking back and forth, you know; pacing. And, I’ve been thinking about what to do with this site. How to make it useful; assuming of course that is what you want, if in fact you exist. See, I guess that’s my problem; I need to know what you, my audience (assuming you exist), want. Do you want random news which you can get anywhere? Do you want my music induced reviews, if they can even be called reviews, which never ever make sense? Do you want a pleasant mix of the two with semi-useless posts like this thrown in the mix? Hmm. I’m going to go ahead and throw a whole new format at you. A whole new format, less review based, if you can even call them that, but still a site which vehemently reflects my insanely developed taste in music. Don’t worry, I still have a better taste in music than you and I’m still going to let you know, I’ll probably even go to greater lengths to make it painfully obvious. Out.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 7:43:00 PM 3 blue ones
Matt! What on Earth is going on!? Oh boy, I guess I have a lot of explaining to do. No new site today, everything is taking just a little longer than expected! Oh, I do apologize. Look out for the new site in the coming days.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 3:22:00 PM 0 blue ones
Oh yea... I forgot the cool and stuff. Since I like you guys... here's some mp3s and videos and stuff! But really just mp3s.
Ween - Mutilated Lips mp3
uh... what the expletive is he talking about. and also, how come i haven't heard about these guys before. check it out, kinda sounds like drugs? i think they may have been on them. sshh...
Arcade Fire - Black Waves/Bad Vibrations mp3
from the leaked neon bible. its arcade fire, its not as good as funeral, but i like it.
Daniel Johnston - True Love Will Find You In The End mp3
one of my favorite singer/songwriters. so good. so so good. if you can get past the voice, which i find endearing, and to the lyrics then you will understand.
Nouvelle Vague - I Melt With You mp3
chilled out bossa nova covers of those lovely 80's pop masterpieces. what's not to love?
Barbara Carlotti - Tunis mp3
french. 4ad. singer/songwriter. good.
Freya Hollick - Leviathan Lane mp3
singer/songwriter from australia. folking good. ha ha ha.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 3:08:00 PM 2 blue ones
The people speak and I hear them. "Matt, what happened to the reviews you once posted daily? Those very reviews we came to know and were afraid to love because; well, honestly we didn't understand half of what you were saying and some of your reviews were a tad childish, we did like those numbers at the bottom though. Those were nice." The people speak and I answer. "People, the reviews are time consuming and I have been working on some very top secret work. But it seems as if the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. Yes, it's true I'm working on some serious site modifications. I know, I know, "Matt the site looks fine, we don't really need you to make it look all cool and stuff. We don't care, we just want reviews and numbers!" You will get your reviews and numbers as well as a new site next week. Until then I will try to appease you with posts of things I think are cool and stuff; mp3s and videos and stuff. So, if you don't care about all this cool and stuff check back on Monday for the old school format you know and are afraid to love. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the mp3s and videos and stuff posted here for your enjoyment! Also, if you have any suggestions or anything like that, go ahead and let me know in the comments section! It will be neat!"
Posted by mattinwonderland at 2:54:00 PM 0 blue ones
Alrite, so the lineup for Bonnaroo has been posted, it actually leaked last night... but it's official shit today. Anyway, as an official goer-to of Bonnaroo this news affects me greatly. Today is a post in honour of artists-de-roo.
Because Bonnaroo is such an amazing festival with such an eclectic lineup there are way too many artists to talk about in just one post! So, these are the 5 and maybe 6 or 7 artists I am most excited about! To start: Ween. I don't even feel this one needs an explanation. Also: Flaming Lips, Wilco. Again, no explanation needed. Hmm.. Brazilian Girls and also Old Crow Medicine Show. Shit! Ha! Just look at those artists! You've got bluegrass, alt-country, chilled out lounge stuff, and psychedelic weirdness! And don't even get me started on Gene and Dean.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 4:26:00 PM 0 blue ones
Alrite, I'm just going to go ahead and get it out of the way. Here it comes; the Marc Bolan comparison. David Vandervelde's debut sounds a lot like T. Rex. A lot like T. Rex; both in voice and sound. Yet, Vandervelde pulls it off well; Vandervelde obviously draws quite heavily from Bolan, but he manages to keep things sounding fresh. This album is short, just over 30 minutes, and as of right now there is one track I find myself constantly skipping, Courdoroy Blues; this puts the album at just under 30 minutes. More of an EP really. Nonetheless, the other 7 tracks on The Moonstation House Band are all really strong tunes. You've got your rockers, your slow songs, your instrumentals, your almost-alt-countrys. Just about everything you could ask for.
how many? 8.1
Nothin' No mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:30:00 AM 0 blue ones
Today is 3 singer/songwriters day and also worthy news item! No review. Sorry. Enjoy anyway.
Alright, here's my story: M. Ward; kind of a short story... Wait! I'm only kidding; that's not all. Here it goes: I bought Transistor Radio and thought it was okay. I wasn't particularly enthralled but did enjoy a couple of tracks and when I heard all those glowing reviews for Post-War I didn't pay them much mind. However, yeah there is always a however, I heard Post-War; and, I liked it. Alrite, yeah it was released last year, officially old news, but this is my site and I'll post what I want to. Anyway, this album is decidedly less folk than I remember Transistor Radio being. That is a good thing. Such a good thing. And I love folk music. But wait. What am I even talking about? I'm going to let the music speak for itself now; you'll get the idea.
M. Ward - Poison Cup mp3 (official wow track of album)
Next! Anyone who is anyone will know that I've been listening to Patrick Wolf borderline obsessively. If you don't believe me take a quick gander at my charts for last week:
There you go, I even embedded it right in the post for you! Anyway, Patrick Wolf: 302 plays, according to music listening standards that is borderline obsessive. So, a new track for you to hear. This one is called Adder and it is the b-side to Accident & Emergency, the very first single (see video a couple posts down). Straight from the Wolf, "It's kind of about a boy and a snake having a little romantic encounter." Well, I think this is maybe a tad strange, but a fantastic song nonetheless.
Patrick Wolf - Adder mp3
And finally. Wait Matt... there's more? This is too much; you're blowing my mind with content! Ha! I proceed... Well, I suppose I could just review his album in another post, I hadn't really thought of doing that... Alrite. You will all have to wait for tomorrow for me to review his album. It's really good, like... so good. But, you must wait.
Official Worthy News? Item:
Akron/Family will be playing at the Middle East tomorrow night! They are a fantastic band. Go; see them. You can watch this video to maybe possibly understand what to expect.
I've heard they do facemelting too so don't get locked too into this; for your own sake.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 12:29:00 PM 0 blue ones
It’s easy to lose yourself in this one. The music swirls around until you lose track of time and you can feel yourself floating in the space inhabited only by the sound. Apostle of Hustle felt like giving their listeners some time inside; just under 50 minutes incase you were wondering. National Anthem of Nowhere is the excellent sophomoric release from this Arts & Crafts band. It was new, it was love. This music treads new ground but does not forget, nor neglect, its roots. The Spanish flavours are still here, in words and music; tracks like Rafaga!, sung in Spanish, allow non-Spanish speaking folks to fully realize the strength of the music; the somewhat atmospheric feel. Of course, Folkloric Feel was largely folk and National Anthem of Nowhere is not, although there are a few folk cuts. I hate genres, indie rock? alternative? alternative to what?; this music is everything at once except for what was left out. Turn on, tune in, drop out.
how many? 8.2
National Anthem of Nowhere mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:43:00 AM 0 blue ones
and also the video for Accident & Emergency; Patrick Wolf's very first single from The Magic Position. this wasn't included in the review post (next one down) because it didn't look pretty enough. i'm all about the aesthetics.
positively razzle-dazzle!
Posted by mattinwonderland at 10:48:00 AM 0 blue ones
Absolutely mesmerizing. The Magic Position is the third album from the multi-instrumentalist, boy-wonder, Patrick Wolf. This music has been touted as ‘folktronica,’ and I suppose that that is an accurate label, if you feel it absolutely necessary to have one, although it really doesn’t seem to convey the majesty felt in Wolf’s music. The album begins with drumming reminiscent of Joy Division which is soon joined by a haunting violin giving the music an almost rushed, classical feel; a grand, theatrical presence. Of course, the inclusion of electronic, mechanical noises keeps the music sounding distinctly modern and utterly unique. Also found on the album are more traditionally arranged piano ballads, which are equally as enticing, and even a look into Wolf’s synth-infused musical beginnings. Wolf sought to create a ‘big love pop record’ with The Magic Position. He succeeded brilliantly; this is the sound of falling in love.
how many? 9.4
The Magic Position mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 9:47:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: must hear
This is my ray gun; my REAGAN. Get it? Panda Bear. Panda Bear! Come and eat me alive. Devour with; you’re, sound. When my soul starts growing, I get so hungry and I wish it never would, never would, never would stop growing. Noah Lennox is Panda Bear of Animal Collective. Of Animal Collective. Feels, feels… Comfy in Nautica; comfy inside this one. Try. Try. Try. Try. Goodness is having courage, courage to do what's right. The sound here; Person! Pitch! Person! Pitch! Person! Pitch! Young Prayer was largely acoustic, somber; recorded in the wake of the passing of Panda Bear’s father; Person Pitch sounds almost like the Beach Boys. Fantastic pop sensibility, upbeat, an amazing read. An amazing read. Try. Try. Try. Oh oh ooh. This album is refreshing, renewing, renew; half the time I can’t even understand what he is saying. I don’t want for us tooo take pills, anymore. Not that it’s bad. We don’t need to take pills; Person Pitch is a drug. Float along beside it, inside it. Perfectly consistent. Try. Try. Try. Try. Sounds effortless; integrity and grace. This album sounds new, and not just because it is. Noah found the delicious often and frequently. All the time.
how many? 8.9
Comfy in Nautica mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:38:00 AM 8 blue ones
Labels: must hear
I know, I know that I have already posted today but I'm feeling generous, Ha! I know, I know that I have already posted today but I'm feeling like sharing some of my knowledge of all things good. And so it is with this that I present to you: I'm Glad I Hitched My Apple Wagon To Your Star mp3 by The Boy Least Likely To. Ha! Enjoy. Smile. Don't mug yourself? Ha! Just kidding, I don't allude like that.
Also. You may have noticed that my reviews are becoming increasingly different than before.
Also. Usually it's throwback Wednesdays at the office but tomorrow will see this long-standing tradition, three Wednesdays in a row now, fall to its knees. However, don't fret! I expect that throw-back Wednesdays will be re-instated next week. thank god!
Also, I don't believe that I have properly introduced my invisible counter; it's off to the left a bit, just under the i listen section. You can't see it, because it is invisible, but it's really there! You're just going to have to take my word for it.
matt in wonderland: come for the music reviews. stay for the invisible counter.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 4:55:00 PM 0 blue ones
Labels: not reviews
He’s trying to be heroic in an age of modernity. OOOO! Falsetto. HEEAARRRTTT!!! Dance dance dance. Beats, oh what mad, mad beats. Oh what crunchy guitars. Oh the lyrics. Oh, what lyrics? Weekend in the City and that’s exactly what it sounds like; albeit an overtly melancholic one. Bloc Party steps, steps and releases their second album, follow-up to Silent Alarm, which I haven’t heard but assume is as good as this one. Kind of, his voice annoys me. Kind of, the music annoys me; the sound is far too large for the content matter. Think U2. These boys are too art for their own good, too caught up in their image. Sa-a-aaadness. Franz Ferdinand. The Killers. Arctic Monkeys. Kaiser Chiefs. Kasabian. The Bravery. All this dreadful pseudo-indie shit is making me sick. But these boys are saving you, these boys have a purpose. And thank whoever you want for that. Tense, anxious, cathartic, cerebral, reflective, searching, brooding, bittersweet, poignant. Oh these boys are so sensitive, so sensitive. These boys make me feel. We’re finding it hard to be alone. This music is emo without the self-mutilation.
how many? 3.1Posted by mattinwonderland at 7:47:00 AM 2 blue ones
Labels: boston or area soon
Friend Opportunity is light beam emanating upwards from source on Earth. Deerhoof is channeling alien nations with harmonious, disjointed melodies. Noise rock? Blatantly open spaces disrupt the flow; stop everything for an instant before moving forward. This music does not go everywhere at once, it retains a clear focus. It reaches far, it wants to break free of Earthly constructs. This music is severely challenging the boundaries which confine it; it can be disorienting. It arrives at the end and keeps going; it does not stop though there is nowhere left to go. It stretches out. Quite often you fear that the music will escape and fly so far away in every direction that nothing makes sense anymore. Yet, this music never breaks; it threatens to, it seems like it could at any time, it holds together. Deerhoof keeps a firm grip on their sound. Across the room I see a failed actor and it breaks my heart. Leave here anytime you want with Deerhoof.
how many? 7.8
The Perfect Me mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 12:11:00 PM 0 blue ones
Sorry, no review today. Listen instead to Mint Car by The Cure, a fantastic way to start the day, the weekend, the week, or anything really. mp3
Also news, Grizzly Bear tonight! at the MFA! is sold out. If you don't have tickets, I don't really know what to tell you. If you do have tickets you can play some hipster bingo while you enjoy the show. Learn to play hipster bingo. . . . here!
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:36:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: not reviews
This album is okay, erring on the side of not-something-I-think-I’ll-listen-to-that-often; The Trials of Van Occupanther is the second release from the band known as Midlake. I picked up this album after hearing a track from Bamnan and Silvercork, the debut album; I don’t recall which track, I suppose it doesn’t matter much anyway. I did; however, like it enough to want to hear more. The Trials of Van Occupanther being the only album carried by my local music shop, the only music shop worthy of my business, I settled. I started the album and was (almost) taken aback by the piano. Next, I noticed the voice; stunning. This music is; however, not what I expected to hear. It is quite different from what I remember to be the Bamnan and Silvercork sound. Hearing it, I cannot help but feel a trickle of disappointment. The album is composed mostly of slow, ballad-esque tunes straight out of the seventies; piano, guitars (occasionally fuzzy), sometimes woodwinds, and oh what a crooner. In all honesty, this album does not do much for me; however, it’s not something I particularly dislike either. Maybe the piano is just too much, speeding along yet lagging behind at the same time; the music sounds a touch dated. Listen to one track and you will know if this sound is for you. Oh no, I stumbled. Was I going too fast?
how many? 5.9Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:31:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: boston or area soon
Let’s sit down and take a trip; be sure to strap in, put on your headphones, this ride will be long and it will not be easy, at first. Take my hand and come with me, It's not too late for you, It's not too late for me. Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band will show you the way. A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous. Got me? Look, look at everything that you used to know falling apart before your eyes; disassembling. The ride may be confusing, you may not be sure what to make of everything happening around you, but you must not turn back, you must proceed with Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band. It’s a bush recording; we’re out recording a bush. Listen, do you hear those magnificent horns? Do you see those magnificent horns? Can you feel those guitars wrapping around you? Do you know what is happening? Can you tell what is going on? The Good Captain will take care of you; make sure your mind doesn’t crack, make sure you get back to the world you know safely. His excited eyes from within the dark interior glazed; watered in appreciation of his thoughtful preparation. Every time you listen to this, every time you put this on, you move closer towards the front, you sit closer to The Captain. You see more, you feel more, you hear more, you know more. O' lady look up in time o' lady look out of love, 'n you should have us all, O' you should have us fall. Are you beginning to understand? Are you beginning to see what Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band are trying to show you? Have they succeeded in turning your mind around until you cannot tell that horn solo from that streak of light in the darkness? Or, do you feel that this is some awful joke? That this isn’t music, that these people have no musical talent. This is recorded thru uh flies ear, 'n you have t' have uh flies eye t' see it, It's the thing that's gonna make Captain Beefheart, And his magic band fat, Frank it's the big hit, It's the blimp, It's the blimp Frank, It's the blimp. Are you in that magical blimp or merely watching it fly by; oblivious to the wonderful things going on inside?
how many? 9.8Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:37:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: the old found
This music is shoegaze, this music is dreampop, this music is noise, this music is whatever you want to call it, this music is good. I would often gaze at my shoes for hours just to feel like a part of the movement. Citrus is the sophomore album from New York City based Asobi Seksu; a band of the new millennium which borrows as much from Japanese pop and as it does from My Bloody Valentine. The lyrics on this album alternate between English and Japanese so, the average American will understand less than half of what is said. However, the Japanese words are sung in such a way that they feel familiar; they feel like whatever language you speak. I find myself constantly realizing halfway through a song that I have no idea what Yuki Chikudate has been singing about; even after hearing the songs multiple times. I enjoy this. Whistle through your window, we act the same as you.
how many? 8.7
Live: February 28, 2007 - The Middle East: Downstairs (opening act)
Strings mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 2:48:00 PM 0 blue ones
Labels: boston or area soon, must hear
Tower of Love is “psychedelic pop,” it is extremely reminiscent of The Beatles, The Kinks, The Beach Boys. If you don’t give my football back, I’m going to tell my dad on you. Despite being released in early 2006, on Valentine’s Day no less, this music often seems dated; it’s a novelty record. And it is unfortunate for such a thing to occur, Jim Noir, master of irony, has a clear ear for melody. The tunes on this album are all quite catchy, in a pop sense, but are all ultimately too light-hearted to be taken seriously; to last. There are a couple of tracks which, in my ever humbling opinion, stand above this novelty act. One of these is the album’s closer, The Only Way, which feels heartfelt and genuine, something noticeably lacking from much of the album. Eanie meany, run away. Eanie meany run away. I would recommend this album to anyone looking for something light to put on while concentrating on something else.
how many? 6.4
The Only Way mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 1:09:00 PM 0 blue ones
It has only been two weeks and already the changes come. Oh happy day. The first thing I expect you will notice is not the grading system change, but rather the "labels" I assign to the posts, a minor change to be sure; because that will be done today whereas I will not be reviewing until tomorrow. These "labels" exist to make your life easier, they will be things such as "coming soon" which means that the band is "coming soon" to the Boston area. As for the grading, I will be moving from the letter grades to a 10.0 scale. Of course I know what you're thinking, why Matt, do you so blatently rip off Pitchfork? Aside from the additional freedom the 10.0 scale gives me as an occasional reviewer of music, that question cannot be so easily answered, so I avoid it. You may also notice that on two days in the past week I presented you with news, detestable. This news comes to you for various reasons, the most important being that I didn't manage to write a review. Another reason could be that I find the news interesting, see Win Butler gets a haircut! Don't let the sun go down on your grievances.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:00:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: not reviews
The Late Cord is a collaboration between Micah P. Hinson and John Mark Lapham, Lights From The Wheelhouse is their debut EP. None of the tracks here are ones I would classify as filler; however, the two tracks which sit high above the others, which are the most realized, are The Lila Blue and My Most Meaningful Relationships are with Dead People. It is these two tracks which find Hinson and Lapham really in their element. The music is laid-back and has a folk feel; of course the album was released on 4AD, and that label’s signature sound is not totally absent here. Ambient sounds permeate the album and add much to the overall feel, vocals shine through multiple layers of sound and offer refreshing familiarity to sometimes alien soundscapes. Sometimes I think of you, wondering if you think of me. This is not one to miss.
Grade: APosted by mattinwonderland at 11:48:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: must hear
Well, I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I love Bright Eyes. He's got a new album, Cassadega, coming out on April 10th, and an EP, Four Winds, coming out on March 6th. The Four Winds EP tracklisting is as follows:
1. Four Winds
2. Reinvent the Wheel
3. Smoke Without Fire
4. Stray Dog Freedom
5. Cartoon Blues
6. Tourist Trap
Here's a couple of (excellent) tracks to help you wait for the new material, whatever that means.
Endless Entertainment mp3
Tourist Trap mp3
He's also doing a show in Somerville on February 28th but it's sold out.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 7:48:00 PM 0 blue ones
Labels: not reviews
A man and his paino, a jazzy sound; a brilliant album. The songs here are comical (Pasties & A G-String), they are heartbreaking, literally (Bad Liver & A Broken Heart), they are narrative (Small Change (Got Rained on With His Own .38)), and they are always fascinating and wonderful to listen to; beautiful poetry set to a jazzy musical background. This is Tom Waits’ fourth album and the perfection of his hipster poet persona; though not the last before he ventured into entirely new territory, see Swordfishtrombones and Rain Dogs.
The first thing one may note about a Tom Waits album is his voice, described by one as “Like how you'd sound if you drank a quart of bourbon, smoked a pack of cigarettes and swallowed a pack of razor blades… Late at night. After not sleeping for three days.” Of course, Waits did drink, a lot, and he did smoke; and this can be seen in his lyrics (The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me)), among others. And of course it is the lyrics, songs of the derelict, the downtrodden, sung by one of their own, that make Small Change, or any Waits album, so intriguing, so enjoyable.
Grade: A+
The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me) mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 12:25:00 PM 0 blue ones
Labels: the old found
Psych-folk, freak-folk, neo-folk and New Weird America, among countless others to be sure, are all terms used to describe the type of music that Andy Cabic and his band Vetiver are churning out. To Find Me Gone is Vetiver’s sophomore album, released two years after their self-titled debut. Cabic is close friends with freak-folk/New Weird America pioneer Devendra Banhart and while this friendship was largely seen through Vetiver’s music on the first release, it is certainly less pronounced here, of course Banhart is given co-songwriting credits on the final track, Down at El Rio. Cabic is stepping away from the complex finger-picking which Banhart is known for and is going for a deeper sound here, a different sound. Been So Long for instance, has an almost ambient background with shimmery layered vocals. I happen to find this progression particularly charming. The album is relaxed, laid-back; its one you can imagine just sitting and enjoying on some porch in the country while staring off into the horizon. I can’t wait to see what Cabic comes out with next.
Grade: B+
Live: January 31, 2007 -
Been So Long mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:34:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: boston or area soon
No album review today because I was busy all weekend not dying. Instead, I'll throw some news at you.
Win Butler got a haircut!
In lesser news, Kristin Hersh, ex-Throwing Muses, is touring in support of her new album, Learn to Sing Like a Star, and will be doing an in-store appearance tonight at Newbury Street's own Newbury Comics. Check it out.
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:58:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: not reviews
This is a singer/songwriter album; a girl and her piano, with occasional other instrumentation. This is Emily Haines of Metric and also indie super-group Broken Social Scene. Barring her extremely limited, self-released Cut in Half and Also Double, this is her first solo release. Yes, the lyrics are heartfelt and deeply personal. Yes, Ms. Haines is a very talented keyboardist. Yes, this is a nod to her jazz upbringing, her father, the late Paul Haines. No, I do not dig this album. All the songs sound just a little too similar, and while Haines is obviously very talented, this album simply does not grab me the way I feel an album should. Which, in a way, surprises me, because I almost feel like I should enjoy it; it’s not bad, and I do like singer/songwriter albums, I do like keyboards, I enjoy solo female musicians. I, personally, just feel like Chan Marshall pulls off a similar style with much more allure.
Grade: B-
Doctor Blind mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 1:01:00 PM 2 blue ones
Sparrow House is a side project of Jared Van Fleet, guitarist/keyboardist for Voxtrot, the Falls EP is his first release. This project however, is not at all like Voxtrot; it is much mellower, much more folk. The music is centered on Fleet’s acoustic guitar; however, most songs feature multiple other instruments as well: Blindfold Waltz, for example, features strings, handclaps, and otherworldly synth sounds. The EP moves slowly, and has a calming effect, it gives one the feeling that everything else can wait. The only thing that matters while this music is playing is the music itself. Despite the repetition of ‘give up’ during the opening song Heart Flood, the melancholic beauty of this EP leaves me feeling refreshed and almost hopeful.
Grade: A-
When I Am Gone mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:37:00 AM 0 blue ones
Labels: must hear
I find it impossible to write this without first briefly mentioning a bit of the album’s history. Lie: The Love and Terror Cult was recorded in August of 1968, a year before the Tate murders. However, it was not until March of 1970 that the album was released, to help Manson finance his defense. The current release of the album is from Awareness Records and all proceeds are donated to a
The music on this album can be described as hippie campfire-folk. The songs consist mostly of Manson singing and playing his guitar; occasionally one can hear drums and voices in the background, both of which add to the campfire feel. Admittedly, the music is a bit cultish; it’s easy to feel as if you are sitting around the fire hearing the music being played by Manson himself. Most of the songs on the album are; however, quite enjoyable. They feature proficient guitar playing and intelligent, even uplifting, lyrics. Home is Where You’re Happy is a particularly inspiring song with lines such as Just as long as you got love in your heart/ You'll never be alone and You can do what you want to do/ 'Cause you're strong in your mind. This music is, fortunately, nothing like you would expect from a man like Charles Manson.
Grade: B+Posted by mattinwonderland at 12:10:00 PM 0 blue ones
Labels: the old found
This Isn’t Farmlife begins the album and sets the tone for what is to come; upbeat, lighthearted fun. Cannibal Sea, by The Essex Green, of Elephant 6, is an absolute joy to listen to. The music has the 60’s folk/pop sound that the band is known for; however, modern flourishes are found throughout the album taking the music in a decidedly new direction, which the band tackles with confidence. The band has found a magnificent sound and welcomes all listeners to join them on their trip which is bursting with energy. The band doesn’t let up until the album’s closer, Slope Song, a beautiful, folky tune, perfect for letting listeners know that the ride is coming to an end and ensuring a safe landing for all.
Grade: A
Live: January 27, 2007 - Paradise Rock Club (with Camera Obscura)
Don't Know Why (You Stay) mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 11:50:00 AM 1 blue ones
Labels: boston or area soon, must hear
I was intrigued by the artwork, I love the Arts & Crafts label, I listened to Gang of Losers, my introduction to The Dears. The music on the album is not bad, it just does not feel like it has much to offer the listener; there isn’t much that really stands out. This level of mediocrity in the music causes the album to drag on much longer than it feels like it should, despite the total length being under 50 minutes. The one track which I feel stands above the rest is You and I Are a Gang of Losers; where everything The Dears strive for on this album comes together. This is a catchy tune with arresting boy/girl vocal harmonies and repetitive, yet unpretentious, lyrics which, like much of the album, deal with isolation. It is here that The Dears really find what they are looking for. Unfortunately, this moment is brief.
A large problem with this album is that the band has a defined aura of self-importance, there is the sense that the band feels like they are really doing something great and worthy of your time. This overconfident attitude can be heard, among other places, in Murray Lightburn’s often strained vocals and it turns off the listener pretty quickly. The Dears have grandiose ambitions however, they do fall short.
Grade: C
Live: January 16, 2007 - Paradise Rock Club
You and I Are a Gang of Losers mp3
Posted by mattinwonderland at 5:19:00 PM 0 blue ones
Labels: boston or area soon